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Do this in remembrance of me.


For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”  In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. - 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

The Lord's Supper at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church

Along with God's Word preached, the Service for the Lord's Day at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church includes the Word enacted in the Lord's Supper. We hope this brief guide will answer questions you might have about this sacramental meal and aid your informed and joyful participation. 

What is the Lord's Supper? The Lord's Supper (also called Communion or the Eucharist) is a sacrament.

"A sacrament is a special act of Christian worship which uses visible signs to present God's grace to us in Jesus Christ." (1)

Presbyterians recognize two sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ: Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Almost all other Christian denominations also celebrate these sacraments.

When do we service the Lord's Supper?

The Lord's Supper is serviced the first Sunday of the month. We also celebrate Communion on Maundy Thursday and Christ the King Sunday (Third Sunday in November).

What actions are involved?

Following Christ's example, the Pastor serving at the Lord's Table takes bread and wine, gives thanks for them, breaks the bread, pours the wine, and gives them to the people. The people then eat and drink.

Why are these actions important?

By taking part in these actions, we remember the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, give thanks to God, share God's love with one another, and look forward to the coming of God's reign in all its fullness.  

What are the Communion elements?

Bread common to the culture is used. The "wine" in the Lord's Supper at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church is non-alcoholic grape juice.

Who may take part in the Lord's Supper?

The invitation to the Lord's Supper is extended to all who have been baptized, regardless of denominational affiliation.

What if I don't feel worthy?

Access to the Lord's Table is not a right conferred upon the worthy, but a privilege given to the undeserving who come in faith, repentance, and love. Even one who has doubts or whose trust is wavering may come to the Table in order to be assured of God's love and grace in Christ Jesus.

What if I feel moved to receive Communion, but am not baptized?

The Lord's Supper and baptism are inseparable. If you feel called by the Holy Spirit to meet Christ in Communion, we believe that you are also being called to baptism. We will not turn anyone away from the Lord's Table, but we do invite you to speak to the pastor about your baptism as soon as possible.

Are children allowed to receive Communion?

Baptized children who are being nurtured in the Christian faith are also invited to eat and drink, even though their understanding of the Supper will vary according to their maturity.


1. Belonging to God: A First Catechism (Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).