9:30am - Contemporary - Drums and Guitars
11am - Traditional - Organ and Choir
Why we give
The simple answer is we believe everything we have comes from God in the first place. We give because we believe God has entrusted us to be love, helping change our city and give hope in lives.
Ways to give
Beyond using the traditional means of placing the offering in the giving plate each week, St. Andrews provides four additional ways to contribute financially to the church. Each are listed above and provide for ease and convenience when helping to expand God's Kingdom through His tithes and offerings.
Donate by mail / Use the mail slot on the office door

Make checks payable to “St. Andrews Presbyterian Church” and send them to financial office:
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
705 Michigan Boulevard
Dunedin, FL 34698
(727) 734-5493
You can always mail your contribution or drop it off in the mailbox slot next to the church office door.
Online giving
St Andrews offers secure online giving through our Church Management System called Breeze. Once you have established your banking preferences, you can schedule a one time contribution or set up a recurring contribution. Click below to start the process.
Automatic bank giving

Automatic recurring giving helps St. Andrews make more informed financial decisions because we have a better sense of what ministry dollars will be available... and when. You can go to your bank or set something up automatically online as well.
If you should have any questions or problems about any financial issue of the church, please contact treasurer@sapcd.org.