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Frequently Asked Questions About Stewardship

Estimated Giving

Frequently Asked Questions About Stewardship

What does it mean to make a pledge?

The church asks each year for estimates of giving to assist with budgeting for expenditures in the coming year. Making a pledge is an informal commitment to contribute financially in the coming year. Making a financial pledge is also a spiritual commitment to share in the mission and ministry of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church.

How do I pay my pledge?

You can request weekly offering envelopes, place a check in the offering plate on Sunday, or set up and manage a recurring contribution online.

I take my commitments seriously. I’m thinking about pledging, but I’m concerned about my employment status. If I have a change in my status, can I adjust my pledge? 

Yes, your estimate of giving can be changed (up or down) at any time for any reason in a confidential way. Just contact our Church Treasurer Becky Eggers at treasurer@sapcd.org

I don’t have a lot of financial resource to give right now. Will my pledge of a small amount make a difference? 

Yes! If everyone in the congregation committed to give even a small amount, the church could surpass our current level of giving. Your gift makes a great deal of difference – not only to the church, but in your own life, as well. Making and keeping a financial pledge to the church helps keep all our financial activity in a spiritual perspective, recognizing that all we have is a gift from God.

What does it mean to be a good steward? 

In modern terms, a steward is a ‘manager,’ given responsibility to administer faithfully all that God has entrusted to us – making a difference in the world as a follower of Jesus Christ.

I have given faithfully in the past, but I have never made a formal pledge. Why should I? 

We appreciate all the gifts made to the church, but formal pledges help us plan financially and program ministries and outreach accordingly.

When does my estimate of giving amount go into effect? 

January 1, 2023.

Will St. Andrews send me statements? 

Yes, if you give, you will receive a yearly statement of your contributions for your tax records and to confirm the accuracy of our records.

Will the information I provide be kept confidential?

We take your privacy very seriously. When you make a pledge online or physically hand in a pledge card, it goes directly to our treasurer and is kept confidential. 

If you have any questions about giving or pledging, please contact Treasurer Becky Eggers at treasurer@sapcd.org.